by Jane Andersen | May 29, 2021 | Carpet and Floor Care
We all have carpets and rugs in all shapes and sizes at home. Small ones in front of the doors and big ones in the living room and bedroom. We love them. They are soft and comfortable. Some people like to lay in front of the fireplace on a thick rug, with a glass of wine. You have seen it on TV and I can guarantee, it looks as good as it is. It is also very comfortable. Take a walk on your carpet with bare feet and tell me you don’t feel better. If your carpet is of high quality and clean you will feel like stepping on grass. (more…)
by Inna Gray | Feb 20, 2018 | Carpet and Floor Care

Did you know that over 37% of Brits claim they clean less than once a month? Cleaning is one of those chores that everyone dreads, but you can take the stress out of your life by hiring a cleaner to do it for you.
There are several other good reasons to hire a cleaner, and if you need a slight push to help you decide if you need one or not, read on.
by Inna Gray | Apr 4, 2016 | Bathroom Cleaning, Beauty & Health, Carpet and Floor Care, Cleaning Tips, Kitchen Cleaning
This Spring brought to us warmth and longer days almost as if it is meant to be a wake up call to get our thought, bodies and homes in order. And even though our bodies are still adjusting to the time and weather change we know there is no time to waste – it’s time to act. Those who start acting on getting in shape for the wonderful summer to come soon, are often constrained by time. So what a better way to do the spring cleaning chores, but to combine them with workout.
by Georgina Marks | May 31, 2013 | Carpet and Floor Care

I’m in a confessional mood, so I’ve decided to tell you a bit of a secret. You may not really think about it, but it’s true and without the necessary strategy your home may be doomed from the get-go. Of course, I’m talking about decorating your home so it becomes a home décor magazine affair and then have children, which tends to shatter the dream home as you don’t have time to clean it and your style falls into disarray. What you need is to look ahead and take measures at each step closer to children. This post has the product to save your floors from mud and scratches.
by Linda Shepard | Jan 7, 2013 | Carpet and Floor Care
Cleaning is a part of our everyday life, just like washing our teeth. During the week we don’t have enough time to do a thorough cleaning, and at weekends we prefer to relax. (more…)
by Inna Gray | Oct 4, 2012 | Carpet and Floor Care
Keeping your home healthy and clean is not always an easy job to do. You have so many things to look after and clean – furniture, carpets, bathrooms and kitchens. The list can go on and on… Carpets are really good example. They are used to cover your floors. A good carpet will definitively add style to your home interior. It will bring warmth in the cold seasons and be a nice place to sit down and read a book. But its nature as floor covering turns it to be one of the dirties places in your home. (more…)